teaching guitar
I'm a guitar teacher in Cambridge, UK with 20 years of playing experience, a Yamaha teacher's grade qualification, and I'm accredited as an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I teach classical and acoustic fingerstyle guitar, beginner to advanced, for children and adults. I improvise, arrange, and write my own music on guitar, voice, and piano (songs & instrumentals).
Approach: I believe everyone has some musical capacity (more than they think), and that learning music should be fun. My interests are in building motivation, confidence, creativity, and expression.
Blind - Lifehouse (ukulele chords/tabs, original arrangement)
Blind by Lifehouse, arranged by Kevin Lim
Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR-qC8xPPa8
Tuning: gCEA (standard ukulele tuning)
Sequence: Intro, Verse, Bridge, Chorus,
Verse, Bridge, Chorus,
Breakdown, Chorus, Outro
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